UI library

Since core and modules UI share multiple components and features, these facilities have been aggregated into NPM package @nethserver/ns8-ui-lib. The reusable UI components included in the library are easily recognizable since their name starts with Ns prefix, e.g. NsButton, NsInlineNotification. The library also includes a set of VueJs mixins used by core and modules to access utility functions and perform common tasks.

Source code of UI library is provided here.

UI library development

You can develop NS8 UI library inside a container (recommended) or on your workstation.

Develop NS8 UI library inside a container

You have two options:

  • Build and start a Podman container, or
  • Use VS Code Dev Containers

Build and start a Podman container

Build the container defined by Containerfile:

podman build -t ns8-ui-lib-dev .

Compile and minify for production:

podman run -ti -v $(pwd):/app:Z --name ns8-ui-lib --replace ns8-ui-lib-dev build

Publish NPM package:

podman run -ti -v $(pwd):/app:Z --name ns8-ui-lib --replace ns8-ui-lib-dev publish

Use VS Code Dev Containers

  • Install Visual Studio Code extension Dev Containers (beware: this procedure may not work on VSCodium)
  • Dev Containers uses Docker by default but you can configure it to use Podman: go to File > Preferences > Settings, search dev containers docker path and type podman as Docker path
  • Open ns8-ui-lib directory (the repository root) in VS Code, if you haven’t already
  • Open Command Palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P) and type Reopen in Container
  • Open VS Code integrated terminal: View > Terminal
  • Enter one of the following commands:
    • npm install: project setup, needed only the first time
    • npm run build: compile and minify for production
    • npm publish: publish NPM package

Container configuration is contained inside .devcontainer/devcontainer.json.

Develop NS8 UI library on your workstation

Developing NS8 UI library inside a container is the recommended way, but if you want to do it on your workstation:

  • Install Node.js and npm (LTS version, currently v18)
  • npm install: project setup, needed only the first time
  • npm run build: compile and minify for production
  • npm publish: publish NPM package

Import NS8 UI library components

To import the latest version of NS8 UI library:

yarn add @nethserver/ns8-ui-lib

Import library components and mixins

To globally include NS8 components, edit main.js of the project importing the library:

// main.js

import ns8Lib from "@nethserver/ns8-ui-lib";

To import a specific mixin inside a component (e.g. TaskService mixin) of the project importing the library:

// ComponentName.vue

import { TaskService } from "@nethserver/ns8-ui-lib";

export default {
  name: "ComponentName",
  mixins: [TaskService],