

NS8 modules are distributed as packages that are implemented as Podman container images. A package is pulled from a remote software repository, implemented by a registry service, like GitHub Packages. Each package can be seen much like a tar archive.

When installing a rootless module, the corresponding image is extracted inside the home of the module Unix user, i.e. /home/<module_id>. Rootfull modules are extracted under /var/lib/nethserver/<module_id>.

In both cases the module UI is extracted to /var/lib/nethserver/cluster/ui/apps/<module_id>.

Source tree

The sources repository of a module can be structured as follow:

  • imageroot/: it contains module scripts and configuration. Everything inside this directory is copied under the module installation directory. Common subdirs include:
    • systemd/user: where Systemd units are stored.
    • actions/: each subdirectory implements an action.
    • bin/: it contains additional binaries for the module. It is added to PATH in the agent environment.
    • etc/: to store additional configuration for Backup and Restore
    • pypkg/: path for module Python packages, added to PYTHONPATH
  • ui/: it contains all UI source code of the module
  • a script to manually build one or more images of the module and push them inside the image registry.
  • a Markdown file describing the module purpose and implementation

Image labels

Module images can use a list of well-known labels to configure the system:

  • org.nethserver.tcp-ports-demand: see Port allocation
  • org.nethserver.images: see Service images
  • org.nethserver.rootfull: can be 0 or 1, if set to 0 the module will run podman in rootless mode, if set to 1 the module will run podman in rootfull mode. See Rootless vs Rootfull
  • org.nethserver.authorizations: authorize the module to run actions of other modules. For instance traefik@any:routeadm allows setting Traefik routes. See Roles and authorizations.
  • org.nethserver.flags: a space-separated list of well-known flags. Currently available flags are:
    • core_module: if present, it marks a module as core
    • account_provider: if present, it marks a module as an account provider
    • no_data_backup: if present, the modules will need no data backup
    • rootless: if present, the module is rootless (calculated from org.nethserver.rootfull label)
    • rootfull: if present, the module is rootfull (calculated from org.nethserver.rootfull label)
  • org.nethserver.max-per-node: maximum number of module instances installed on the same node
  • org.nethserver.min-from: the image can be used to install a new application instance, or to update an existing instance provided it has a version greater than or equal to the label value. E.g. if the image label org.nethserver.min-from has value 2.0.0, an existing instance with version 1.3.0 cannot be updated with it.
  • org.nethserver.min-core: the image can be used to install a new application instance, or update an existing one, if the core version is greater than or equal to the label value. E.g. if the image label org.nethserver.min-core has value 2.7.0 it cannot be installed if the leader node running core has version 2.6.2.

Labels are set by, when the images are built.

Service images

Most modules run software from additional Podman images. The org.nethserver.images takes a space-separated list of image URLs that will be automatically downloaded by the create-module base action.

Information about the downloaded images are stored in the agent environment, so they can be referenced in unit .service files and action scripts.

Environment variables names are set as follow:

  • one variable for each image
  • variable name is the uppercase value of the image name
  • symbols are mapped to _ (underscore)
  • if the image name begins with a digit, a I is prepended
  • _IMAGE suffix is appended


  • becomes
  • becomes
  • becomes