
X509 certificates for TLS are managed by the Traefik instance running in the local node. For more details see Traefik in the core documentation.

Web applications

Web applications should not care about the TLS certificate, as the Traefik HTTP proxy listens on TCP port 443 for HTTPS requests. HTTP backends must be configured only for clear text HTTP connections.

If the module wants to set up an host-name-based HTTP route, it is possible to instruct Traefik to obtain a TLS certificate for it in a unique action.

    agent_id=agent.resolve_agent_id('traefik@node'), # e.g. module/traefik1
        'instance': os.environ['MODULE_ID'],
        'url': f'{os.environ["TCP_PORT"]}',
        'host': host_fqdn,
        'lets_encrypt': True, # request cetificate for host_fqdn
        'http2https': True, # redirect http:// URL scheme to https://

Note that instance must be a unique route identifier. If the module uses multiple HTTP routes, add a prefix to MODULE_ID to distinguish them.

Other applications

Applications that need .pem, .key, .crt and similar files for their configuration can obtain the certificate ansynchronously:

  1. issue the certificate request

  2. handle the certificate-updated event

For instance, to issue an asynchronous Let’s Encrypt certificate request for SERVICE_FQDN run:

agent.tasks.run_nowait( # _nowait runs in background
    agent_id=agent.resolve_agent_id('traefik@node'), # e.g. module/traefik1
        "fqdn": os.environ["SERVICE_FQDN"],
        "sync": True, # For the UI task progress
    parent='', # Run as a root task
        'title': 'set-certificate',
        'isNotificationHidden': False, # Show the task progress in the UI

Then to handle the event, create an executable script under $AGENT_INSTALL_DIR/events/certificate-updated

event = json.load(sys.stdin)

if str(event['node']) != os.environ['NODE_ID']:
    sys.exit(0) # ignore events from other cluster nodes

if event["domain"] != os.environ["SERVICE_FQDN"]:
    sys.exit(0) # nothing to do for certificates of other services

agent.run_helper('systemctl', '--user', 'reload', 'myservice', check=True)

The handler script reloads myservice when the certificate of the service is obtained, renewed, or changed by other means.

While the Let’s Encrypt certificate request is pending the service could be temporarily started with a self-signed certificate, for instance by using the openssl command. Generating such certificate is out of the scope of this tutorial.

In any case, before starting the service, the module can retrieve the certificate from Redis. Certificates are saved in a Redis HASH key like module/traefik1/certificates/www.example.org. See Redis DB reference for details.

For example

mtraefik=$(redis-exec GET "node/${NODE_ID}/default_instance/traefik")
redis-exec HGET "module/${mtraefik}/certificate/${SERVICE_FQDN}" key | base64 -d > server.key
redis-exec HGET "module/${mtraefik}/certificate/${SERVICE_FQDN}" cert | base64 -d > server.crt