Core User Interface


Core UI includes the following components:

  • Login page
  • Shell
    • Side menu
    • Top header
    • Global search
    • Notification drawer
    • App launcher
  • Cluster status page
  • Software center
  • Cluster logs (auditing)
  • Cluster settings

Source code of core UI is provided here.

Core UI also includes a Storybook to explore and test the reusable components included in the UI library. To launch Storybook web app:

cd core/ui
yarn storybook

Application routing is implemented with Vue Router. See core/ui/src/router/index.js

Core UI uses Vuex to handle the global state of the application. See core/ui/src/store/index.js.

Source code of core UI is provided here:


The core and the applications can add quickly accessible actions called shortcuts. Shortcuts will be available from the search bar inside the UI. Examples of shortcuts could be something like “Add a user” or “Show application X logs”.

Shortcuts are described inside a shortcuts.json file which must be inside the ui path:

  • core: /var/lib/nethserver/cluster/ui/shortcuts.json
  • applications: /var/lib/nethserver/cluster/ui/apps/<app>/shortcuts.json

A shorcuts.json must always contain the following fields:

  • name: the action name
  • description: a text which describes the action
  • tags: a list of tags to ease the research
  • path: the UI path to open when the shortcut has been selected. The path must be relative.

The list-shortcuts API will read all shortcuts.json files and combine them on a single array and it will generate absolute UI paths.

Tasks and notifications

Core and modules can submit tasks to the cluster, to a node or to a module. NS8 provides automatic toast notifications for task creation, progress, completion and abortion; task events are sent from API server to UI through web-socket. Validation errors can be intercepted as well, in order to highlight invalid input fields or do something after validation is successful (e.g. close a modal).

To execute a task silently and prevent automatic notifications on task events, set the following attribute in task object:

extra.isNotificationHidden: true

Tasks that only read data should always be silent.

Error notifications

Errors are notified to the user using inline notifications (NsInlineNotification component) or toast notifications (NsToastNotification component). Use inline notifications whenever possible, showing the error message in the exact place of the UI where the error occurred. Use toast notifications when there is no proper place to display the error (e.g. background or long running tasks).

Query string parameters

You can sync the state of some components inside page URL. This is useful in the following cases:

  • You share the URL you are visiting with someone (they will see the same UI state)
  • You want to link to a specific point and state of the web app, so that you can browse to a page and prefill some input fields, or open a modal automatically. Global shortcuts rely on this feature

Do not use query parameters for data that is not under user control, e.g. data retrieved by the backend.

Modules must use query parameters for their internal navigation, using view data

Core UI development

Follow the steps below to prepare the development environment for coding NS8 core UI:

  • Install NethServer 8 on a development machine
  • Create a copy of core/ui/public/config/config.development.js.sample and rename your copy to config.development.js:
  • Edit config.development.js by configuring API_ENDPOINT and WS_ENDPOINT with the IP address of your NethServer 8 leader node
  • Disable CORS check. Connect to the leader node and execute:
echo GIN_MODE=debug >> /etc/nethserver/api-server.env; systemctl restart api-server

You can develop NS8 UI inside a container (recommended) or on your workstation. The first time, you have to accept the self signed certificate of the server in a new tab of your browser: https://<IP_address>/cluster-admin/api/login

Develop NS8 UI inside a container

You have two options:

  • Build and start a Podman container, or
  • Use VS Code Dev Containers

Build and start a Podman container

Build the container defined by Containerfile:

cd core/ui

podman build -t ns8-core-dev .

Start development server (--network=host is required for hot-reload):

podman run -ti -v $(pwd):/app:Z --network=host --name ns8-core --replace ns8-core-dev serve

Compiles and minifies for production:

podman run -ti -v $(pwd):/app:Z --name ns8-core --replace ns8-core-dev build

Start Storybook webapp (--network=host is required for hot-reload):

podman run -ti -v $(pwd):/app:Z --network=host --name ns8-core --replace ns8-core-dev storybook

Note: if you want to run development server AND run Storybook webapp at the same time you can’t use above commands; you would get a yarn error. To run development server and run Storybook simultaneously:

podman run -ti -v $(pwd):/app:Z --network=host --name ns8-core --replace ns8-core-dev serve

and then

podman exec -ti ns8-core yarn storybook

Remember to prepare your development environment before start coding.

Use VS Code Dev Containers

  • Install Visual Studio Code extension Dev Containers (beware: this procedure may not work on VSCodium)
  • Dev Containers uses Docker by default but you can configure it to use Podman: go to File > Preferences > Settings, search dev containers docker path and type podman as Docker path
  • Open ns8-core directory (the repository root) in VS Code, if you haven’t already
  • Open Command Palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P) and type Reopen in Container
  • Open VS Code integrated terminal: View > Terminal
  • Change directory to core/ui
  • Enter one of the following commands:
    • yarn install: project setup, needed only the first time
    • yarn serve: start development server with hot-reload
    • yarn storybook: start Storybook webapp with hot-reload
    • yarn build: compiles and minifies for production

Container configuration is contained inside .devcontainer/devcontainer.json.

Remember to prepare your development environment before start coding.

Develop NS8 UI on your workstation

Developing NS8 UI inside a container is the recommended way, but if you want to do it on your workstation:

  • Install development tools:
    • Node.js and npm (LTS version, currently v18)
    • Yarn
  • Run a web server on your workstation (hot reloading enabled):
    • cd core/ui
    • yarn install: project setup, needed only the first time
    • yarn serve: start development server with hot-reload
    • yarn storybook: start Storybook webapp with hot-reload
    • yarn build: compiles and minifies for production

Remember to prepare your development environment before start coding.