
Local metadata are used to display information inside the About page. Metadata are composed by:

  • a JSON file named metadata.json, saved inside imageroot/ui/public/metadata.json
  • a PNG image for the logo named module_default_logo.png, saved inside imageroot/ui/src/assets/module_default_logo.png


The JSON format is very similar to the repository metadata, without id, logo and versions fields.

Example of metadata.json:

  "name": "Kickstart",
  "upstream_name": "Kickstart 12",
  "description": {
    "en": "My kickstart module"
  "categories": ["somecategory"],
  "authors": [
      "name": "Name Surname",
      "email": ""
  "docs": {
    "terms_url": "",
    "documentation_url": "",
    "bug_url": "",
    "code_url": "",
    "relnotes_url": ""
  "source": ""

The categories field contains a list of string. Each string is a category that should describe the application usage scenario. It could be something like database or collaboration. Always use lower case strings without spaces.

The list of available categories is available in this translation.json source file, under the app_categories object. Change proposals to the category list can be discussed on the community forum, as explained in development process.

The docs object has the following optional keys:

  • The terms_url is a link to a web page with important information (e.g. legal/privacy notices, license). It is displayed before installing the application.
  • The relnotes_url is a link to a web page with the application release notes (changes, improvements, and fixes included in each release).

The logo must be a PNG image and its size should be at least of 128x128 pixels.