package documentation

Firewall utilities


Function add_default_ipv6_rules Add default ipv6 rules to firewall config, if they don't exist already.
Function add_device_to_lan Shortuct to add a device to lan zone
Function add_device_to_wan Shortuct to add a device to wan zone
Function add_device_to_zone Add given device to a firewall zone. The device is not added if the firewall zone does not exists Changes are saved to staging area.
Function add_forwarding Add forwarding from src to dest.
Function add_interface_to_zone Add given interface to a firewall zone. The interface is not added if the firewall zone does not exists Changes are saved to staging area.
Function add_nat_rule Add nat rule to firewall config.
Function add_netmap_rule Add netmap rule to netmap config.
Function add_rule Add rule to firewall config.
Function add_service Create an ACCEPT traffic rule for the given service Changes are saved to staging area.
Function add_template_forwarding Create a forwarding from templates database. Changes are saved to staging area.
Function add_template_rule Create a rule from templates database. Changes are saved to staging area.
Function add_template_service_group Create all rules for the given service group Changes are saved to staging area.
Function add_template_zone Create a zone from templates database. Changes are saved to staging area.
Function add_trusted_zone be able to access lan and wan zone
Function add_vpn_interface Create a network interface for the given device. The interface can be used for PBR (Policy Based Routing). Changes are saved to staging area.
Function add_zone Add zone to firewall config.
Function apply commit changes to firewall config
Function delete_linked_sections Delete all sections matching the given link. Changes are saved to staging area.
Function delete_nat_rule Delete nat rule from firewall config.
Function delete_netmap_rule Delete netmap rule from netmap config.
Function delete_rule Delete rule from firewall config.
Function delete_zone Delete zone and all forwardings that are connected to it.
Function disable_ipv6_firewall Disable all rules, forwardings, redirects, zones and ipsets for ipv6-only family. Changes are saved to staging area.
Function disable_linked_rules Disable all rules matching the given link Changes are saved to staging area.
Function disable_rule Disable rule from firewall config.
Function disable_service Disable the ACCEPT rule traffic for the given service. Changes are saved to staging area.
Function edit_nat_rule Edit nat rule in firewall config.
Function edit_netmap_rule Edit netmap rule in netmap config.
Function edit_rule Edit rule in firewall config.
Function edit_zone Edit an existing zone.
Function enable_rule Enable rule from firewall config.
Function enable_service Disable the ACCEPT rule traffic for the given service Changes are saved to staging area.
Function enrich_rule Enrich rule with more human-readable data and missing fields
Function get_all_linked Search all database, execpt templates one, for entities with the given link
Function get_rule_by_name Get rule config name and rule data by rule name, optionally filtered by tag. Assume there is only one rule with the same name.
Function get_service_by_name Get service by name.
Function get_zone_by_name Get zone config name by zone name.
Function is_forward_rule Check if rule is a forward rule
Function is_input_rule Check if rule is an input rule
Function is_ipv6_enabled Search the network database for devices and interfaces using IPv6
Function is_output_rule Check if rule is an output rule
Function list_active_leases Get all active leases from /tmp/dhcp.leases
Function list_forward_rules Get all forward rules from firewall config
Function list_forwardings Get all forwardings from firewall config
Function list_host_suggestions Get all hosts from dhcp and network config
Function list_input_rules Get all input rules from firewall config
Function list_nat_rules Get all nat rules from firewall config
Function list_netmap_devices Get all network devices from ip command
Function list_netmap_rules Get all netmap rules from netmap config
Function list_object_suggestions Get all objects from objects config
Function list_output_rules Get all output rules from firewall config
Function list_rule_ids Get all rule ids from firewall config
Function list_rules Get all rules from firewall config
Function list_service_suggestions Get all services from /etc/services
Function list_zones Get all zones from firewall config
Function list_zones_no_aliases Get all zones from firewall config, excluding aliases in network section
Function order_rules Orders firewall rules, moves everything else but rules to the end of the list.
Function remove_device_from_zone Remove the given device from a firewall zone. The operation always succeed if the zone does not exists
Function remove_interface_from_zone Remove the given interface from a firewall zone. The operation always succeed if the zone does not exists
Function remove_service Remove the ACCEPT traffic rule for the given service Changes are saved to staging area.
Function reorder_firewall_config Reorder firewall config, moving all rules at the bottom. The order in the file will be: - defaults and includes - zones - forwardings - forward rules - output rules - input rules
Function resolve_address Resolve address to a more human-redeable name.
Function setup_rule Set up a rule in the firewall config.
Function split_firewall_config Split firewall config into sections.
Function update_firewall_rules Update firewall rules with ipset field set and ns_src set.
Function update_redirect_rules Update redirect rules with ipset field set and ns_src set.
Function validate_address_format Validate address format. Valid formats are: - ip address - ip range like - ip cidr
Function validate_netmap_rule Undocumented
Function validate_port_format Validate port format.
Function validate_rule Validate rule.
Function zone_exists Check if a zone with name zone_name already exists
Constant PROTOCOLS Undocumented
Constant TARGETS Undocumented
def add_default_ipv6_rules(uci): (source)

Add default ipv6 rules to firewall config, if they don't exist already.

uci: EUci pointer
list of added rule config names
def add_device_to_lan(uci, device): (source)

Shortuct to add a device to lan zone

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • device -- Device name
  • The name of section or None
def add_device_to_wan(uci, device): (source)

Shortuct to add a device to wan zone

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • device -- Device name
  • The name of the configuration section or None
def add_device_to_zone(uci, device, zone): (source)

Add given device to a firewall zone. The device is not added if the firewall zone does not exists Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • device -- Device name
  • zone -- Firewall zone name
  • If the firewall zone exists, the name of the section where the device has been added.
  • None, otherwise.
def add_forwarding(uci, src: str, dest: str) -> str: (source)

Add forwarding from src to dest.

uci: EUci pointer src: source zone, must be zone name, not config name dest: destination zone, must be zone name, not config name
name of forwarding config that was added
def add_interface_to_zone(uci, interface, zone): (source)

Add given interface to a firewall zone. The interface is not added if the firewall zone does not exists Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • interface -- Interface name
  • zone -- Firewall zone name
  • If the firewall zone exists, the name of the section where the device has been added.
  • None, otherwise.
def add_nat_rule(uci, name: str, target: str, src: str = '*', src_ip: str = '', dest_ip: str = '', snat_ip: str = '') -> str: (source)

Add nat rule to firewall config.

uci: EUci pointer name: name of rule target: target, must be one of 'SNAT', 'DNAT' src: source zone, must be zone name, not config name src_ip: source ip dest_ip: destination ip snat_ip: snat ip
name of rule config that was added
def add_netmap_rule(uci, name: str, src: str, dest: str, device_in: list[str], device_out: list[str], map_from: str, map_to: str) -> str: (source)

Add netmap rule to netmap config.

uci: EUci pointer name: name of rule src: source zone, must be zone name, not config name dest: destination zone, must be zone name, not config name device_in: list of incoming network interfaces device_out: list of outgoing network interfaces map_from: source network address map_to: destination network address
name of rule config that was added
def add_rule(uci, name: str, src: str, src_ip: list[str], dest: str, dest_ip: list[str], proto: list, dest_port: list[str], target: str, service: str, enabled: bool = True, log: bool = False, tag=[], add_to_top: bool = False, ns_src: str = None, ns_dst: str = None) -> str: (source)

Add rule to firewall config.

uci: EUci pointer id: id of rule to edit name: name of rule src: source zone, must be zone name, not config name src_ip: a list of source ip dest: destination zone, must be zone name, not config name dest_ip: a list of destination ip proto: protocol, must be a list of protocols in "tcp", "udp", "udplite", "icmp", "esp", "ah", "sctp" dest_port: a list of destination ports, each element cna be be a port number, a comma-separated list of port numbers or a range with - (eg. 80-90) target: target, must be one of 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT', 'DROP' service: service name enabled: if True, rule is enabled, if False, rule is disabled log: if True, log traffic tag: list of optional tags add_to_top: if True, add rule to the top of the list, otherwise add to the bottom ns_src: an object in the form <database>/ ns_dst: an object in the form <database>/
name of rule config that was added
def add_service(uci, name, port, proto, link=''): (source)

Create an ACCEPT traffic rule for the given service Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • name -- Service name
  • port -- Service port number as string or array
  • proto -- List of service protocols
  • link -- A reference to an existing key in the format <database>/<keyname> (optional)
  • The name of the configuration section
def add_template_forwarding(uci, name, link=''): (source)

Create a forwarding from templates database. Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • name -- Name of the template forwarding from the templates database
  • link -- A reference to an existing key in the format <database>/<keyname> (optional)
Returns a tuple:
  • The name of the configuration section for the forwarding or None in case of error
def add_template_rule(uci, name, proto='', port='', link=''): (source)

Create a rule from templates database. Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • name -- Name of the template rule from the templates database
  • proto -- A valid UCI protocol (optional)
  • port -- A port or comma-separated list of ports (optional)
  • link -- A reference to an existing key in the format <database>/<keyname> (optional)
  • The name of the configuration section for the rule or None in case of error
def add_template_service_group(uci, name, src='lan', dest='wan', link=''): (source)

Create all rules for the given service group Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • name -- Name of the service group from the templates database
  • src -- Source zone, default is 'lan'. The zone must already exists inside the firewall db
  • dest -- Destination zone, default is 'wan'. The zone must already exists inside the firewall db
  • link -- A reference to an existing key in the format <database>/<keyname> (optional)
  • A list of configuration section names of each rule, None in case of error
def add_template_zone(uci, name, networks=[], link=''): (source)

Create a zone from templates database. Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • name -- Name of the zone from the templates database
  • network -- A list of interfaces to be added to the zone (optional)
  • link -- A reference to an existing key in the format <database>/<keyname> (optional)
Returns a tuple:
  • The name of the configuration section for the zone or None in case of error
  • A list of configuration section names for the forwardings or None in case of error
def add_trusted_zone(uci, name, networks=[], link=''): (source)

Create a trusted zone. The zone will:
  • be able to access lan and wan zone
  • be accessible from lan zone

If a zone with the same name already exists, do not recreate it. Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • name -- Zone name, maximum length is 12
  • network -- A list of interfaces to be added to the zone (optional)
  • link -- A reference to an existing key in the format <database>/<keyname> (optional)
Returns a tuple:
  • The name of the configuration section or None in case of error
  • A list of configuration sections or an empy list in case of error

def add_vpn_interface(uci, name, device, link=''): (source)

Create a network interface for the given device. The interface can be used for PBR (Policy Based Routing). Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • name -- Interface name
  • device -- Device name
  • link -- A reference to an existing key in the format <database>/<keyname> (optional)
  • The name of the configuration section or None in case of error
def add_zone(uci, name: str, input: str, forward: str, traffic_to_wan: bool = False, forwards_to: list[str] = None, forwards_from: list[str] = None) -> set([str, set[str]]): (source)

Add zone to firewall config.

uci: EUci pointer name: name of zone input: rule for input traffic, must be one of 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT', 'DROP' forward: rule for forward traffic, must be one of 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT', 'DROP' traffic_to_wan: if True, add forwarding from zone to wan forwards_to: list of zones to forward traffic to forwards_from: list of zones to forward traffic from
tuple of zone config name and set of added forwarding configs
def apply(uci): (source)

Apply firewall configuration:
  • commit changes to firewall config
  • reload the firewall service
  • uci -- EUci pointer

def delete_linked_sections(uci, link): (source)

Delete all sections matching the given link. Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • link -- A reference to an existing key in the format <database>/<keyname>
  • A list of deleted sections
def delete_nat_rule(uci, id: str) -> str: (source)

Delete nat rule from firewall config.

uci: EUci pointer id: id of rule to delete
name of rule config that was deleted
def delete_netmap_rule(uci, id: str) -> str: (source)

Delete netmap rule from netmap config.

uci: EUci pointer id: id of rule to delete
name of rule config that was deleted
def delete_rule(uci, id: str) -> str: (source)

Delete rule from firewall config.

uci: EUci pointer id: name of rule config to delete
name of rule config that was deleted
ValueError: if id is not a valid rule config name
def delete_zone(uci, zone_config_name: str) -> set([str, set[str]]): (source)

Delete zone and all forwardings that are connected to it.

uci: EUci pointer zone_config_name: name of zone config to delete
tuple of zone config name and set of deleted forwarding configs
ValueError: if zone_config_name is not a valid zone config name
def disable_ipv6_firewall(uci): (source)

Disable all rules, forwardings, redirects, zones and ipsets for ipv6-only family. Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • A list of disabled sections
def disable_linked_rules(uci, link): (source)

Disable all rules matching the given link Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • link -- A reference to an existing key in the format <database>/<keyname>
  • A list of disabled sections
def disable_rule(uci, id: str) -> str: (source)

Disable rule from firewall config.

uci: EUci pointer id: name of rule config to disable
name of rule config that was disabled
ValueError: if id is not a valid rule config name
def disable_service(uci, name): (source)

Disable the ACCEPT rule traffic for the given service. Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • name -- Service name
  • The name of the configuration section if found, None otherwise
def edit_nat_rule(uci, id: str, name: str, target: str, src: str = '*', src_ip: str = '', dest_ip: str = '', snat_ip: str = '') -> str: (source)

Edit nat rule in firewall config.

uci: EUci pointer id: id of rule to edit name: name of rule target: target, must be one of 'SNAT', 'DNAT' src: source zone, must be zone name, not config name src_ip: source ip dest_ip: destination ip snat_ip: snat ip
name of rule config that was edited
def edit_netmap_rule(uci, id: str, name: str, src: str, dest: str, device_in: list[str], device_out: list[str], map_from: str, map_to: str) -> str: (source)

Edit netmap rule in netmap config.

uci: EUci pointer id: id of rule to edit name: name of rule src: source zone, must be zone name, not config name dest: destination zone, must be zone name, not config name device_in: list of incoming network interfaces device_out: list of outgoing network interfaces map_from: source network address map_to: destination network address
name of rule config that was edited
def edit_rule(uci, id: str, name: str, src: str, src_ip: list[str], dest: str, dest_ip: list[str], proto: list, dest_port: list[str], target: str, service: str, enabled: bool = True, log: bool = False, tag=[], ns_src: str = None, ns_dst: str = None) -> str: (source)

Edit rule in firewall config.

uci: EUci pointer id: id of rule to edit name: name of rule src: source zone, must be zone name, not config name src_ip: a list of source ip dest: destination zone, must be zone name, not config name dest_ip: a list of destination ip proto: protocol, must be a list of protocols in "tcp", "udp", "udplite", "icmp", "esp", "ah", "sctp" dest_port: a list of destination ports, each element cna be be a port number, a comma-separated list of port numbers or a range with - (eg. 80-90) target: target, must be one of 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT', 'DROP' service: service name enabled: if True, rule is enabled, if False, rule is disabled log: if True, log traffic tag: list of optional tags ns_src: an object in the form <database>/ ns_dst: an object in the form <database>/
name of rule config that was edited
def edit_zone(uci, name: str, input: str, forward: str, traffic_to_wan: bool = False, forwards_to: list[str] = None, forwards_from: list[str] = None) -> set([str, set[str]]): (source)

Edit an existing zone.

uci: EUci pointer name: name of zone to edit input: rule for input traffic, must be one of 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT', 'DROP' forward: rule for forward traffic, must be one of 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT', 'DROP' traffic_to_wan: if True, add forwarding from zone to wan forwards_to: list of zones to forward traffic to forwards_from: list of zones to forward traffic from
tuple of zone config name and set of updated forwarding configs
def enable_rule(uci, id: str) -> str: (source)

Enable rule from firewall config.

uci: EUci pointer id: name of rule config to enable
name of rule config that was enabled
ValueError: if id is not a valid rule config name
def enable_service(uci, name): (source)

Disable the ACCEPT rule traffic for the given service Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • name -- Service name
  • The name of the configuration section if found, None otherwise
def enrich_rule(uci, rule: dict) -> dict: (source)

Enrich rule with more human-readable data and missing fields

uci: EUci pointer rule: rule to enrich
enriched rule
def get_all_linked(uci, link): (source)

Search all database, execpt templates one, for entities with the given link

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • link -- A reference to an existing key in the format <database>/<keyname>
  • A dictionary of all matched sections like {"db1": ["key1", "key2"], "db2": [...] }
def get_rule_by_name(uci, name: str, tag='') -> str: (source)

Get rule config name and rule data by rule name, optionally filtered by tag. Assume there is only one rule with the same name.

uci: EUci pointer name: rule name tag: optional tag to filter rules
tuple of rule config name and rule config if rule with name name exists, (None, None) otherwise
def get_service_by_name(name: str) -> dict: (source)

Get service by name.

name: service name
service dict if service with name name exists, None otherwise
def get_zone_by_name(uci, name: str) -> str: (source)

Get zone config name by zone name.

uci: EUci pointer name: zone name
tuple of zone config name and zone config if zone with name name exists, (None, None) otherwise
def is_forward_rule(rule: dict) -> bool: (source)

Check if rule is a forward rule

rule: rule to check
True if rule is a forward rule, False otherwise
def is_input_rule(rule: dict) -> bool: (source)

Check if rule is an input rule

rule: rule to check
True if rule is an input rule, False otherwise
def is_ipv6_enabled(uci): (source)

Search the network database for devices and interfaces using IPv6

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • True if IPv6 is enabled at least on a device or interface, False otherwise
def is_output_rule(rule: dict) -> bool: (source)

Check if rule is an output rule

rule: rule to check
True if rule is an output rule, False otherwise
def list_active_leases(): (source)

Get all active leases from /tmp/dhcp.leases

a list of all active leases, each lease is a dict with keys value, label, type
def list_forward_rules(uci) -> list: (source)

Get all forward rules from firewall config

uci: EUci pointer
a list of all forward rules
def list_forwardings(uci) -> dict: (source)

Get all forwardings from firewall config

uci: EUci pointer
dict with all forwardings
def list_host_suggestions(uci): (source)

Get all hosts from dhcp and network config

uci: EUci pointer
a list of all hosts, each host is a dict with keys value, label, type
def list_input_rules(uci) -> list: (source)

Get all input rules from firewall config

uci: EUci pointer
a list of all input rules
def list_nat_rules(uci) -> list: (source)

Get all nat rules from firewall config

uci: EUci pointer
a list of all nat rules
def list_netmap_devices(uci) -> list: (source)

Get all network devices from ip command

uci: EUci pointer
a list of all network devices
def list_netmap_rules(uci) -> list: (source)

Get all netmap rules from netmap config

uci: EUci pointer
a list of all netmap rules
def list_object_suggestions(uci, expand=False): (source)

Get all objects from objects config

uci: EUci pointer expand: if True, expand object details
a list of all objects, each object is a dict with keys value, label, type
def list_output_rules(uci) -> list: (source)

Get all output rules from firewall config

uci: EUci pointer
a list of all output rules
def list_rule_ids(uci) -> list[str]: (source)

Get all rule ids from firewall config

uci: EUci pointer
list of all rule ids
def list_rules(uci, rule_type=None) -> list: (source)

Get all rules from firewall config

uci: EUci pointer rule_type: optional rule type to filter, must be one of 'input', 'output' or 'forward'
a list of all rules
def list_service_suggestions(): (source)

Get all services from /etc/services

a list of all services, each service is a dict with keys id, port, proto
def list_zones(uci) -> dict: (source)

Get all zones from firewall config

uci: EUci pointer
dict with all zones
def list_zones_no_aliases(uci) -> dict: (source)

Get all zones from firewall config, excluding aliases in network section

  • uci: EUci pointer
dict with all zones
def order_rules(uci, rule_type: str, order: list[str]) -> list[str]: (source)

Orders firewall rules, moves everything else but rules to the end of the list.

e_uci: euci instance rule_type: type of rule to order, must be 'input', 'output' or 'forward' rules: which order to put rules
list of ordered rules entries
ValidationError: if a rule is not present in /etc/config/firewall
def remove_device_from_zone(uci, device, zone): (source)

Remove the given device from a firewall zone. The operation always succeed if the zone does not exists

Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • device -- Device name
  • zone -- Firewall zone name
  • If the firewall zone exists, the name of the section where the device has been removed.
  • None, otherwise.
def remove_interface_from_zone(uci, interface, zone): (source)

Remove the given interface from a firewall zone. The operation always succeed if the zone does not exists

Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • interface -- Interface name
  • zone -- Firewall zone name
  • If the firewall zone exists, the name of the section where the interface has been removed.
  • None, otherwise.
def remove_service(uci, name): (source)

Remove the ACCEPT traffic rule for the given service Changes are saved to staging area.

  • uci -- EUci pointer
  • name -- Service name
  • The name of the configuration section
def reorder_firewall_config(uci): (source)

Reorder firewall config, moving all rules at the bottom. The order in the file will be: - defaults and includes - zones - forwardings - forward rules - output rules - input rules

uci: EUci pointer
def resolve_address(uci, address: str) -> str: (source)

Resolve address to a more human-redeable name.

uci: EUci pointer address: address to resolve
resolved address as a dict with keys value, label and type
def setup_rule(uci, id: str, name: str, src: str, src_ip: list[str], dest: str, dest_ip: list[str], proto: list, dest_port: list[str], target: str, service: str, enabled: bool = True, log: bool = False, tag=[], ns_src: str = None, ns_dst: str = None): (source)

Set up a rule in the firewall config.

uci: EUci pointer id: id of the rule name: name of the rule src: source zone, must be zone name, not config name src_ip: a list of source IP addresses dest: destination zone, must be zone name, not config name dest_ip: a list of destination IP addresses proto: protocol, must be a list of protocols in "tcp", "udp", "udplite", "icmp", "esp", "ah", "sctp" dest_port: a list of destination ports, each element can be a port number, a comma-separated list of port numbers, or a range with - (e.g., 80-90) target: target, must be one of 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT', 'DROP' service: service name enabled: if True, rule is enabled; if False, rule is disabled log: if True, log traffic tag: list of optional tags ns_src: an object in the form <database>/ ns_dst: an object in the form <database>/
def split_firewall_config(uci): (source)

Split firewall config into sections.

uci: EUci pointer
tuple of lists of sections, in the following order: defaults, zones, forwardings, other_rules, forward_rules, output_rules, input_rules
def update_firewall_rules(uci): (source)

Update firewall rules with ipset field set and ns_src set.

uci: EUci pointer
def update_redirect_rules(uci): (source)

Update redirect rules with ipset field set and ns_src set.

uci: EUci pointer changed_sections: list of changed objects, each object is in the form of <database>/
def validate_address_format(address: str) -> bool: (source)

Validate address format. Valid formats are: - ip address - ip range like - ip cidr

address: address to validate
True if address is valid, False otherwise
def validate_netmap_rule(name: str, src: str, dest: str, map_from: str, map_to: str): (source)


def validate_port_format(port: str) -> bool: (source)

Validate port format.

port: port to validate
True if port is valid, False otherwise
def validate_rule(uci, src: str, src_ip: list[str], dest: str, dest_ip: list[str], proto: list, dest_port: list[str], target: str, service: str, ns_src: str, ns_dst: str): (source)

Validate rule.

src: source zone, must be zone name, not config name src_ip: a list of source ip dest: destination zone, must be zone name, not config name dest_ip: a list of destination ip proto: protocol, must be a list of protocols in "tcp", "udp", "udplite", "icmp", "esp", "ah", "sctp" dest_port: a list of destination ports, each element cna be be a port number, a comma-separated list of port numbers or a range with - (eg. 80-90) target: target, must be one of 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT', 'DROP' service: service name ns_src: an object in the form <database>/ ns_dst: an object in the form <database>/
ValidationError: if rule is invalid
def zone_exists(u, zone_name): (source)

Check if a zone with name zone_name already exists

u: EUci pointer zone_name: zone name to check
true if a zone with name zone_name already exists, false otherwise
PROTOCOLS: list[str] = (source)


['tcp', 'udp', 'udplite', 'icmp', 'esp', 'ah', 'sctp']

