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namespace Nethgui\Widget\Xhtml;
class ObjectPicker extends \Nethgui\Widget\XhtmlWidget
private $metadata;
private $values = array();
private function initializeRendering()
$this->metadata = array(
'value' => $this->getAttribute('objectValue', 0),
'label' => $this->getAttribute('objectLabel', $this->getAttribute('objectValue', 0)),
'url' => $this->getAttribute('objectUrl', FALSE),
'listenToEvents' => array(),
'selector' => FALSE,
$name = $this->getAttribute('name', FALSE);
if ( ! empty($name)) {
$this->insert($this->view->checkBox($name, '', 0));
$this->metadata['selector'] = $name;
foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) {
$childName = $child->getAttribute('name');
if ($this->view[$childName] instanceof \Traversable) {
$value = iterator_to_array($this->view[$childName]);
} elseif (is_array($this->view[$childName])) {
$value = $this->view[$childName];
} elseif (empty($this->view[$childName])) {
$value = array();
} else {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('%s: Invalid value type in view key `%s`: %s. Must be one of Traversable, array or an empty value.', get_class($this), $childName, var_export($this->view[$childName], TRUE)), 1322149475);
$this->values[$childName] = $value;
$this->metadata['listenToEvents'][] = $this->view->getClientEventTarget($childName);
public function insert(\Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetInterface $child)
if ( ! $child instanceof CheckBox) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s: Unsupported widget class: %s', get_class($this), get_class($child)), 1322149476);
if ( ! $child->hasAttribute('uncheckedValue')) {
$child->setAttribute('uncheckedValue', FALSE);
$child->setAttribute('helpId', FALSE);
$childFlags = $child->getAttribute('flags', 0);
$childFlags &= ~ (\Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::LABEL_ABOVE | \Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::LABEL_RIGHT | \Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::LABEL_LEFT);
$childFlags |= \Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::LABEL_RIGHT | \Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::STATE_DISABLED;
$child->setAttribute('flags', $childFlags);
return parent::insert($child);
protected function renderContent()
$content = '';
$content .= $this->openTag('div', array('class' => 'ObjectPicker ' . implode(' ', $this->metadata['listenToEvents'])));
foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) {
$content .= $this->selfClosingTag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => '', 'name' => $this->getControlName($child->getAttribute('name'))));
$content .= $this->renderMeta();
$content .= $this->renderObjects();
$content .= $this->closeTag('div');
if ($this->hasAttribute('template')) {
$fieldsetWidget = new Fieldset($this->view);
->setAttribute('template', $this->getAttribute('template'))
->setAttribute('icon-before', $this->getAttribute('icon-before'))
return $fieldsetWidget;
return $content;
private function renderMeta()
$content = '';
$content .= $this->selfClosingTag('input', array('name' => $this->getControlName('meta'), 'type' => 'hidden', 'disabled' => 'disabled', 'value' => json_encode($this->metadata), 'class' => 'metadata'));
$content .= $this->openTag('div', array('class' => 'searchbox'));
$content .= $this->selfClosingTag('input', array('type' => 'text', 'class' => 'TextInput', 'disabled' => 'disabled', 'value' => '', 'placeholder' => $this->view->translate('Search...')));
$content .= ' ' . $this->openTag('button', array('type' => 'button', 'class' => 'Button custom', 'disabled' => 'disabled')) . htmlspecialchars($this->view->translate('Add')) . $this->closeTag('button');
$content .= $this->closeTag('div');
$content .= $this->openTag('div', array('class' => 'schema'));
$content .= $this->renderChildren();
$content .= $this->closeTag('div');
$flags = $this->getAttribute('flags', 0);
if ( ! ($flags & \Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::STATE_UNOBTRUSIVE)) {
$content = $this->escapeUnobstrusive($content);
return $content;
private function renderObjects()
$objects = $this->getAttribute('objects', array());
$flags = $this->getAttribute('flags', 0);
$attributes = array();
if (is_string($objects)) {
$attributes['class'] = 'Objects ' . $this->view->getClientEventTarget($objects);
$attributes['id'] = $this->view->getUniqueId($objects);
$objects = $this->view[$objects];
} else {
$attributes['class'] = 'Objects ' . $this->view->getClientEventTarget('Datasource');
$attributes['id'] = $this->view->getUniqueId('Datasource');
$content = '';
if ( ! ($flags & \Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::STATE_UNOBTRUSIVE)) {
if ((is_array($objects) || $objects instanceof \Countable) && count($objects) > 0) {
$content .= '<ul>';
foreach ($objects as $index => $object) {
$content .= '<li>';
$content .= $this->renderObjectWidget($index, $object);
$content .= '</li>';
$content .= '</ul>';
return $this->openTag('div', $attributes) . $content . $this->closeTag('div');
private function renderObjectWidget($index, $object)
$flags = $this->getAttribute('flags', 0);
$content = '';
$contentSelectionFragment = '';
$contentProperties = '';
if ($this->metadata['url'] && isset($object[$this->metadata['url']])) {
$content .= $this->openTag('a', array('class' => 'label', 'href' => $object[$this->metadata['url']])) . htmlspecialchars($object[$this->metadata['label']]) . $this->closeTag('a');
} else {
$content .= $this->openTag('span', array('class' => 'label')) . htmlspecialchars($object[$this->metadata['label']]) . $this->closeTag('span');
$content .= '<div class="checkboxset">';
foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) {
$childClone = clone $child;
$childFlags = $child->getAttribute('flags', 0);
$childFlags &= ~\Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::STATE_DISABLED;
if (in_array($object[$this->metadata['value']], $this->values[$child->getAttribute('name')])) {
$childFlags |= \Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::STATE_CHECKED;
} else {
$childFlags &= ~\Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::STATE_CHECKED;
$childClone->setAttribute('flags', $childFlags);
$childClone->setAttribute('name', $child->getAttribute('name') . '/' . $index);
$childClone->setAttribute('label', $child->getAttribute('label', $this->getTranslateClosure($child->getAttribute('name') . '_label')));
$childClone->setAttribute('value', $object[$this->metadata['value']]);
$content .= $childClone->renderContent();
$content .= '</div>';
return $content;