Namespace Nethgui\Widget\Xhtml
Button | |
CheckBox | |
CollectionEditor | A collection editor allows to create / update / delete the elements of a collection of objects. |
Columns | |
ElementList | |
ElementModule | Collaborates with ElementRenderer and ObjectsCollection |
ElementRenderer | Renders an element by prefixing the given $key to its identifiers |
Fieldset | Attributes: |
FieldsetSwitch | |
FileUpload | |
Form | Wrap FORM tag around a Panel object |
Hidden | |
ObjectPicker | |
ObjectsCollection | Renders a collection applying a given template to each element |
Panel | |
ProgressBar | |
RadioButton | |
Selector | |
Slider | Slider UI widget. |
Tabs | Tabs control |
TextArea | This is a multi-line text input field. |
TextInput | |
TextLabel | Attributes: |
TextList | Show an array of strings formatted as a list |