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namespace Nethgui\Test\Unit\Nethgui\Authorization;
class JsonPolicyDecisionPointTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $object;
private $phpMock;
protected function setUp()
$this->phpMock = $this->getMockBuilder('Nethgui\Utility\PhpWrapper')
$this->object = new \Nethgui\Authorization\JsonPolicyDecisionPoint(function($name) {
return '/prefix/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
}, $this->phpMock);
private function getSubject($username = FALSE, $groups = array())
return \Nethgui\Test\Tool\MockFactory::getAuthenticationSubject($this, $username, $groups);
private function loadPolicy($policy)
public function testEmptyPdp()
$this->assertTrue($this->object->authorize('S', 'R', 'A')->isAllowed());
public function testNoMatchPdp()
$this->loadPolicy('[{"Id": 1234, "Effect": "ALLOW", "Subject": "XXX", "Action": "XXX", "Resource": "XXX"}]');
$this->assertFalse($this->object->authorize('S', 'R', 'A')->isAllowed());
public function testGlobPolicyFiles()
$phpMock = $this->getMockBuilder('Nethgui\Utility\PhpWrapper')
->setMethods(array('file_get_contents', 'glob'))
->will($this->returnValue(array('/prefix/Nethgui/Authorization/A.json', '/prefix/Nethgui/Authorization/B.json')))
$logMock = $this->getMock('Nethgui\Log\Nullog', array('warning'));
->with($this->stringContains('invalid policy file specification'))
$this->assertTrue($this->object->authorize('S', 'R', 'A')->isAllowed());
public function testAuthorizeLogin1()
"Id": 2,
"Final": true,
"Effect": "ALLOW",
"Subject": "admin",
"Action": "*",
"Resource": "*",
"Admin has the full powa"
"Id": 3,
"Effect": "DENY",
"Subject": "*",
"Action": "*",
"Resource": "PROCESSOR*",
"Unauthenticated users cannot access any PROCESSOR"
"Id": 2,
"Effect": "DENY",
"Subject": "admin",
"Action": "*",
"Resource": "*",
"Try to override rule#2"
"Id": 1,
"Effect": "ALLOW",
"Subject": ".groups HAS g1 OR .groups HAS g2",
"Resource": "PROCESSOR1",
"g1 and g2 groups have access to PROCESSOR1"
"Id": 3,
"Effect": "DENY",
"Subject": "*",
"Action": "*",
"Resource": "PROC*",
"Generic user has no access to any PROCESSOR (Override)"
$assertions = array(
0 => array($this->object->authorize($this->getSubject('admin'), 'PROCESSOR2', 'HALT'), TRUE),
1 => array($this->object->authorize($this->getSubject('dude', array('g1')), 'PROCESSOR1', 'USE'), TRUE),
2 => array($this->object->authorize($this->getSubject('dude', array('g2')), 'PROCESSOR1', 'HALT'), FALSE),
3 => array($this->object->authorize($this->getSubject('dude', array('g1', 'g2')), 'PROCESSOR2', 'USE'), FALSE),
4 => array($this->object->authorize($this->getSubject(FALSE), 'PROCESSOR3', 'USE'), FALSE),
5 => array($this->object->authorize($this->getSubject('user', array('g1')), 'PROCESSOR3', 'USE'), FALSE),
6 => array($this->object->authorize($this->getSubject('dude', array('g2')), 'PROCESSOR1', 'USE'), TRUE),
foreach ($assertions as $index => $assertion) {
list($auth, $pass) = $assertion;
if ( ! $auth instanceof \Nethgui\Authorization\AccessControlResponseInterface)
$cond = $pass ? $auth->isAllowed() : $auth->isDenied();
$failMsg = sprintf('assertion[%d]: Rule#%d - %s', $index, $auth->getCode(), $auth->getMessage());
$this->assertTrue($cond, $failMsg);
public function testAuthorizeLogin2()
$subject = $this->getSubject();
$resource = 'Nethgui\Module\Login';
$action = \Nethgui\Authorization\PolicyDecisionPointInterface::QUERY;
$this->object->authorize($subject, $resource, $action)->isAllowed();
public function testAuthorizeLogin3()
$subject = $this->getSubject();
$resource = 'Nethgui\Module\Login';
$action = \Nethgui\Authorization\PolicyDecisionPointInterface::QUERY;
$this->object->authorize($subject, $resource, $action)->isAllowed();
public function testAuthorizeLogin4()
$subject = $this->getSubject('admin');
$resource = 'None';
$action = 'None';
$this->object->authorize($subject, $resource, $action)->isAllowed();
public function testSetPhpWrapper()
$php = new \Nethgui\Utility\PhpWrapper();
$this->assertSame($this->object, $this->object->setPhpWrapper($php));
public function testGetLog()
$this->assertInstanceOf('Nethgui\Log\LogInterface', $this->object->getLog());
public function testSetLog()
$log = new \Nethgui\Log\Nullog();
$this->assertSame($this->object, $this->object->setLog($log));
$this->assertInstanceOf('Nethgui\Log\LogInterface', $this->object->getLog());