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namespace Nethgui\Module;
abstract class Composite extends \Nethgui\Module\AbstractModule implements \Nethgui\Module\ModuleCompositeInterface, \Nethgui\Component\DependencyInjectorAggregate
private $children = array();
private $childLoader;
protected $dependencyInjector;
public function initialize()
foreach ($this->children as $child) {
if ( ! $child->isInitialized()) {
call_user_func($this->dependencyInjector, $child);
public function addChild(\Nethgui\Module\ModuleInterface $childModule)
if (isset($this->children[$childModule->getIdentifier()])) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('%s: the module identifier "%s" is already registered as child!', __CLASS__, $childModule->getIdentifier()), 1322818691);
$this->children[$childModule->getIdentifier()] = $childModule;
if ($this->isInitialized() && ! $childModule->isInitialized()) {
call_user_func($this->dependencyInjector, $childModule);
return $this;
public function getChildren()
return array_values($this->children);
public function setPlatform(\Nethgui\System\PlatformInterface $platform)
foreach ($this->getChildren() as $childModule) {
return $this;
protected function loadChildren($classList)
foreach ($classList as $item) {
if ( ! is_string($item)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s: $classList elements must be of type String', get_class($this)), 1322148900);
if (substr($item, 0, 2) === '*\\') {
$childModuleClass = get_class($this) . '\\' . substr($item, 2);
} else {
$childModuleClass = $item;
$childModule = new $childModuleClass();
public function loadChildrenDirectory(\Nethgui\Module\ModuleInterface $module = NULL, $childrenDir = NULL)
if ( ! isset($this->childLoader)) {
$this->initChildLoader(is_null($module) ? $this : $module, $childrenDir);
foreach ($this->childLoader as $childInstance) {
return $this;
private function initChildLoader(\Nethgui\Module\ModuleInterface $module = NULL, $childrenDir = NULL)
$ref = new \ReflectionClass($module);
$filePath = $ref->getFileName();
if ($filePath === FALSE) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('%s: cannot find the file where `%s` is declared', __CLASS__, get_class($module)), 1331035353);
if (strstr($childrenDir, '.') !== FALSE) {
throw new \DomainException(sprintf('%s: $childrenDir parameter value must not contain dots', __CLASS__), 1336125731);
if (is_null($childrenDir)) {
$childrenDir = basename($filePath, '.php');
$nsRootPath = realpath(substr($filePath, 0, strlen($filePath) - strlen(get_class($module) . '.php')));
$nsPrefixParts = array_slice(explode('\\', get_class($module)), 0, -1);
$nsParts = array_merge($nsPrefixParts, explode('/', $childrenDir));
$nsPrefix = implode('\\', $nsParts);
$this->childLoader = new \Nethgui\Module\ModuleLoader($this->dependencyInjector);
->setNamespace($nsPrefix, $nsRootPath);
protected function sortChildren($callback)
if ( ! is_callable($callback)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s: invalid callback for %s#%s()', get_class($this), __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__), 1325760755);
usort($this->children, $callback);
public function setLog(\Nethgui\Log\LogInterface $log)
if (isset($this->childLoader)) {
return parent::setLog($log);
public function setPolicyDecisionPoint(\Nethgui\Authorization\PolicyDecisionPointInterface $pdp)
foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) {
if ($child instanceof \Nethgui\Authorization\PolicyDecisionPointInterface) {
public function setDependencyInjector($di)
$this->dependencyInjector = $di;
return $this;