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Cockpit allows the login of any system users with a valid shell, that is the user shell must listed inside /etc/shells file.

The web user interface (UI) can be profiled using two different methods:

  • the left most menu containing the main sections like "System" and "Applications" is part of the Cockpit project, and can be customized following the upstream documentation

  • the inner menu inside "System" or "Applications" can be customized as documented here

UI sections

The UI is split into 2 main sections:

  • System: contains all modules shipped with nethserver-cockpit and available on any installation. Modules inside the system section can be used to configure the server basic behavior which is common to all modules. Some examples of system modules can be: the hostname, DNS configuration, account providers and so on. System modules are statically defined inside the system-authorization/read API and should not be modified.

  • Applications: contains all modules shipped with extra RPM packages. Each application is a complete set of features. Some examples of applications can be: the firewall module, nextcloud or the mail server.

A group of users can be granted access to specific applications or system modules.

API scripts

When accessing an application or a system module, the UI runs one or more API scripts to display and edit data. API scripts often require root privileges, so they are invoked with the sudo command.

It is possible to inspect the sudo configuration for any user by running as root a command like:

sudo -ll -U john

If run without -U argument, sudo prints the configuration for the current user.

API scripts are located under the /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/ directory.

Default authorizations

  1. The root user can read and write everything.

  2. The admins key in e-smith configuration DB defines the system admin user and admins group. By default they are respectively admin and domain admins. Designed admins are allowed to use any System module and any installed Application, provided that the correct sudoers configuration is shipped (read more about this later on this page).

  3. Only root is allowed to grant authorizations. Admins cannot grant or modify authorizations on System modules and Applications for themselves or other users.

Delegation storage

The association of groups with applications and system modules describes who can do what. It is stored in the delegation prop of the cockpit.socket key in the configuration e-smith DB.

For instance the delegation prop value could be:

[root@vm5 ~]# config getprop cockpit.socket delegation 

It states that

  • the group g1 has access to tls-policy, ssh and dns system modules. It is granted access also to the nethserver-httpd application.

  • the group g2 has access to the nethserver-httpd application.

The delegation property syntax is a comma-separated list of records. Each record is a colon-separated list of fields, where the first field identifies a group name, and the rest of the fields identify applications or system modules.

sudoers configuration

The delegation prop value is translated to configuration for sudo, by expanding the /etc/sudoers.d/55_nsapi_perms template. The contents of that file uses other sudoers symbols (Cmnd_Alias commands lists), defined in /etc/sudoers.d/50_nsapi and (by convention) /etc/sudoers.d/50_nsapi_* files.

Every time delegation changes or the sudoers configuration is altered (i.e. an application is installed/removed), the event delegation-save must be signaled.

How it works

The UI runs the API script system-authorizations/read to know what UI routes (system modules and applications) are accessible to the currently logged in user.

system-authorizations/read calls sudo -ll to see what commands the currently logged in user can run. The listed script absolute paths are mapped to UI routes with the following rules:

  • API dirs prefixed by system- define access to System modules. The API implementation obtains the UI route by discarding the prefix. A few exceptions to this method exist and are handled by system-authorizations/read itself.

  • Access to System modules is granted if the current user can run at least one update script under a given system- prefixed directory.

  • Directories that have a prefix different from system are considered application routes. Access to Applications is granted if the current user can run at least one script under a given application directory.

Authorizations vs applications

If an application does not ship a correct authorizations configuration only the root user can run it. Admins and delegated groups typically cannot see it in the UI menu, or hit against errors and weird behaviors.

Development hints

The golden rule to observe during application development is:

check the access for the admin user!

That means doing the following things:

  1. run sudo -ll -U admin, and verify that any API script required by the application is listed

  2. log in as admin and verify that the things still work

  3. check also for unauthorized access: the output from sudo -ll -U notadmin must not list the application API scripts. After logging in, a non-admin user must not see the application in the UI

Validate the sudoers configuration with the following command:

# visudo -c
/etc/sudoers: parsed OK
/etc/sudoers.d/50_nsapi: parsed OK
/etc/sudoers.d/50_nsapi_nethserver_samba: parsed OK
/etc/sudoers.d/55_nsapi_perms: parsed OK

Authorization implementation

The application RPM must ship a correct sudoers configuration file. For instance the nethserver-samba RPM/application has the following file for sudoers:


Note that:

  • The file must be owned by root.root and permissions must be 0440 (ensure the RPM .spec file also knows it)

  • The path prefix is /etc/sudoers.d/, required by sudoers configuration

  • The file name prefix is 50_nsapi_, required by our naming conventions to group together similar files

  • The file name contains the RPM and the application name, required by our naming conventions

  • The - (minus) sign in the rest of the file name has been replaced by '_' (underscore)

The sudoers configuration file content declares a Cmnd_Alias, that is a named list of commands.

The list name is important and must match the application name (the same used in manifest.json).


The list naming rules are:

  1. NSAPI_ prefix

  2. Write the application name in capital letters

  3. Replace - (minus) with _ (underscore)

The commands are listed using , (comma) as separator. It is possible to break a line with \. Refer to man sudoers for the complete syntax. To get an initial command list for your application run this command:

find /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/nethserver-samba -type f -executable -printf '    %p, \\\n'

Another important declaration stated by the sudoers configuration file is:

Defaults!NSAPI_NETHSERVER_SAMBA !requiretty

This allows the UI to spawn the API scripts without TTY allocation.