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Helper libraries

The nethserver-cockpit RPM includes some simple libraries to ease the development of helpers. Usage of such libraries is not mandatory.


This library includes some classes from NethGUI framework to speed up the porting of existing code. PHP helper library is useful to quickly adapt validation code from old Server Manager.

Include the library:


Available functions


Read the JSON input and return a named array. Example:

$data = readInput();
print $data['name'];


Access the Esmith database. Example:

$db = new EsmithDatabase('configuration');
$policy = $db->getProp('tls', 'policy');
$tls =  $db->getKey('tls');
$records = $db->getAll();


Interface to old validator code. See below.

Legacy validator

When using the LegacyValidator class, you should follow some rules which ease the cut&paste from legacy code. General workflow:

  1. Include the helper
  2. Read the input
  3. Create the validator (calling it $v)
  4. Copy all declareParameter invocations from the old Module Parameters with ANYTHING validator could be omitted
  5. Replace all call to $this with $v
  6. Make sure the first parameter of declareParameter is the name of the prop inside the db
  7. (Optional) Remove the 3rd argument from declareParameter calls
  8. If present, copy validate function. It should be enough to copy the code inside if ($this->getRequest()->isMutation()) { condition. Replace all $this with $v
  9. Validate the input calling $v->validate() Invoke success() method if validate() returns true Otherwise invoke error($v) passing the validator object

Full example:


# Include library

# Read input
$data = readInput();

# Create the validator
$v = new LegacyValidator($data['props']);

# Declare all parameters
$v->declareParameter('PasswordAuthentication', Validate::BOOLEAN);

# Validate the input
if ($v->validate()) {
} else {


To write better code, always enable warnings and strict checks:

use warnings;
use strict;

Include the library:

require '/usr/libexec/nethserver/api/lib/';

Available functions


Print a success JSON object and exit 0.


Print a JSON error and exit 1. Takes 2 arguments: - the error type (default: GenericError) - a message (default "Generic error")


error("GenericError", "System message failure");


Read JSON input from STDIN Exit with InvalidInput error if JSON can't be decoded.


my $data = readInput();
print $data->{'name'};


Output an hint in JSON format.

Takes 3 parameters:

  • a general hint message
  • an hashmap reference, the map must be in the form {"prop1" => "hint1", ... }
  • an url to external doc

Example of simple hint:


Example of complex hint:

hints("",{"TCPPort" => "change_default","status" => "status_should_be_enabled"},"");

General examples

Output sshd key in json output:

use JSON;
use esmith::db;
my $db = esmith::db->open("configuration");

print to_json($db->prepare_json('sshd'), {utf8 => 1, pretty => 0, allow_nonref => 1});

Alternative implementation:

use JSON;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
my $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro();
my $record = $db->get('sshd');
my %props = $record->props;

print encode_json({ name=> $record->key, type=> $record->prop('type'), props => \%props});


BASH is useful when writing simple helpers.

First, include the library:

. /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/lib/helper_functions

Available functions


Print a success JSON object and exit 0.


Print a JSON error and exit 1. Takes 2 arguments:

  • the error type (default: GenericError)
  • a message (default "Generic error")


error "GenericError" "System failure message"


Print an InvalidInput error and exit 1.


Print am hint in JSON format.

Takes 4 parameters:

  • a general message
  • a details map in json format
  • the number of element inside the details map
  • a link to an external doc

Example of simple hint:

hint 'one_or_more_dns_not_working'

Example of complex hint:

hints '' '{"TCPPort":"change_default_ssh_port"}' 1

General examples

Read JSON from STDIN and set the record:

cat /dev/stdin | /sbin/e-smith/config setjson - 2>/dev/null

Output sshd key in json output:

/sbin/e-smith/config getjson sshd