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Manage shared folder objects: create, edit, delete


The read API requires an action field. Possible values are as defined as following:

  • list, returns the list of shared folders and their configuration
  • list-users, returns the list of system users

The API objects structure does not change with the accounts provider type. However some fields can be ignored, as noted below.



The list output format is similar to

  "accountsProvider": "ldap",
  "groups": [
  "sharedfolders": [
      "SmbRecycleBinStatus": "disabled",
      "SmbAuditStatus": "disabled",
      "SmbShareBrowseable": "enabled",
      "guestAccess": "enabled",
      "name": "iba2",
      "OwningGroup": "",
      "SmbRecycleBinVersionsStatus": "disabled",
      "acls": {
        "EVERYONE": "rw"
      "Description": "",
      "migrateVhost": null
  • sharedfolders is an array of objects describing each folder configuration. See the validate format for more information.

  • accountsProvider is a string indicating the accounts provider type. It can be ad, none or ldap.

  • groups is an array of system group names.


The list-users returns an array of system user names, in the following format:

  "users": [



Input example:

  "action": "create",
  "item": {
    "SmbRecycleBinStatus": "disabled",
    "SmbRecycleBinVersionStatus": "disabled",
    "SmbAuditStatus": "enabled",
    "SmbShareBrowseable": "enabled",
    "guestAccess": "enabled",
    "name": "iba1",
    "OwningGroup": "domain",
    "acls": {
      "GOWNER": "rw",
      "EVERYONE": "r"
    "Description": "This is the first shared folder example",
    "SmbRecycleBinVersionsStatus": "disabled",
    "migrateVhost": null
  • action can be create or any other string. If set to create the the given item is expected to not exist. On the contrary, for any other value the must identify an existing item.

  • item describes the shared folder configuration:

  • name is the shared folder name. It must be unique and non existing.

  • SmbRecycleBinStatus, SmbRecycleBinVersionStatus, SmbAuditStatus, SmbShareBrowseable, SmbRecycleBinVersionsStatus can be enabled or disabled. See the nethserver-samba accounts DB documentation for their meaning

  • OwningGroup (required by AD) is the proprietary unix group

  • acls is an object describing the filesystem ACLs set on the shared folder root directory.

    The object key must be a valid system group or user name. The object value can be the empty string, r, or rw.

    EVERYONE and GOWNER are special values, which are mapped to the underlying Esmith DB props.

  • migrateVhost is normally null. If set to a string it indicates that the shared folder should be migrated to a virtual host (provided by nethserver-httpd), identified by the string itself.


The update API scripts has this generic input form:

    "action": "...",
    "item": { ... }

The following sections document available action values.


Changes an existing shared folder configuration. Updates the corresponding e-smith accounts DB props and invokes the ibay-modify event. See the validate script, for more information about the item object format.

    "action": "edit",
    "item": {
        "name": "the_record_key"
        // other attributes


Invokes the ibay-reset-permissions event on an existing shared folder.

    "action": "reset-permissions",
    "item": {
        "name": "the_record_key"


Invokes the vhost-migrate-ibay event on an existing shared folder. The shared folder must have some configuration props set by the NS6 nethserver-ibay module.

    "action": "migrate",
    "item": {
        "name": "the_record_key"


Creates a new shared folder. Set e-smith accounts DB and invokes the ibay-create event.

    "action": "create",
    "item": {
        // ...

The item object format is the same used by the edit action in the update script.


Deletes an existing shared folder. Changes the e-smith record type and invokes the ibay-delete event. It finally removes the e-smith DB record.

    "action": "delete",
    "item": {
        "name": "the_record_key"