Google Summer of Code with NethServer

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Google Summer of Code 2019

This is a brief summary of the project ideas for the Google Summer of Code 2019 within the NethServer project.

Modules for schools and more

NethServer is a modular Linux distribution based on CentOS. It can run many applications together, easily installed and configured with just one click from its web administration interface.

You can learn how to create and maintain a module for NethServer, integrating an application like Mattermost, Moodle or Savapage, and building its RPMs with

Web administration interface programming

We are porting the NethServer web administration interface (named “Server Manager”) to a new UI framework based on the Cockpit project and designed according to Patternfly rules.

You will learn how to design a Web-UI page with Vue.js and how to invoke the underlying system APIs that configure the system.

Explore Linux containers solutions

Linux distributions are changing the way they provide software to the end user, striving for stability, security and being at the latest version. Linux containers are a possible solution to integrate on the same system otherwise incompatible software stacks.

You will explore the new tools like Buildah and Podman to run a program in a Linux container and search for solutions to integrate it with the other NethServer modules.

Infrastructure and data collection analysis

The NethServer community has an evolving infrastructure of web sites that distribute RPMs and documentation and collect systems usage data.

You will endeavor to integrate the Pulp 3 project in our infrastructure, to distribute RPMs to the community mirrors.